Saturday, December 5, 2009

"You Tweet???"

I'll admit. Twitter was a just another one of those Web 2.0 applications that I just didn't want to deal with. After all it was getting athletes and celebrities in instant trouble. Sarah Palin Tweeted...It just wasn't for me.

Folks, we live in a world where you need to embrace and at least try EVERYTHING that comes out new and gets buzz. Yes, everything has their trivial and meaningless side. But EVERYTHING has it's beneficial and productive side.

And the beauty is ... you can do both ... alternatively at the same time. As I check email, facebook or edit personal pictures, Tweetdeck (a twitter application) buzzes me with education posts that my professional network is tweeting.

Most of the Twittering I do as to do with Technology in education. There is a nightly discussion on education issues at "educhat". The information that I read and see is relevant, interesting and mostly backed with real data.

What if we did that with students in our district with students across the country?

Twitter is amazing. Twitter is trivial. That can be said for a lot of Web 2.0 applications.

I was just invited to check out Google Wave...the next new thing from Google.

It just keeps coming

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